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Time stands still for no man revelation is progressive in its course. Welcome to the truth of the ages an unsealing of "END TIMES" prophecy once hidden in mystery. The end of days has been foretold and can now be revealed in fullness to this generation to those willing to have their eyes opened by history, its season is due it is time to wake up and see truth. Many have missed what God's doing due to miss interpreted end times teachings based on guesswork and theories, in the last days there will be many false teachings and false prophets deceiving many see Math 24:11-12, Math 24:24 & 1 Tim 4:1. This website information comes from 10 consistent years of study of factual history proving prophecy with over 3000 hours of research, prayer and revelation, this site is a work in progress. There are many teachers who un-discerningly push false "END TIMES" doctrines confusing the masses. No end-times futurist theology is taught on this website only truth through history unveiling fulfilled prophecy. History proves prophecy line-by-line precept-by-precept (Is 28:10) this is the only way the prophetic narrative is found (series of connected events painting a picture). The Spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus Christ (Rev 19:10) history is "His-Story" His testimony to the generations. Scripture in prophecy is cross-connecting, testifying of itself as pieces of a puzzle coming together to form a dynamic picture. The Lord desires for us to discern the signs of the times and seasons we are in for our generation. I pray God blesses you on your journey through this website.

Math 16:3  "You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times". (NKJV)

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There has been increased "End Times" fulfilments of the end of the age of man, since the turn of the 19th century with Trumpets and bowls being released. We then came into a time of acceleration by 2001, with the Twin Towers attack fulfilling a 2750-year-old prophecy from 730 BC (Isaiah 30:25-26 see chapter 19). We are now well advanced in the historic fulfilment of scripture in the “End Times” books of Daniel and Revelation. It is urgent to understand the “Times and Seasons” we are in. History cuts through futurist theology teachings as a two-edged sword (Heb 4:12) exposing the false from the true. On this website, you will find accurate references to information, links, videos, and pictures of the actual fulfilment of prophecy "End Time" events. The world is in chaos answers are needed, as to what's going on and why ? According to God's word.

Note: Images on this website are not to be shared due to not owning them some are public domain some are not.

Over 50 Years Ago (April 1973) This Pastor Had a Vision Of The Future & This is What He saw:


 The Bride of Christ worldwide is now positioned by God for the greatest worldwide move of His Glory any nation has ever seen before His return, He is coming soon, keep watch.  


 UGANDA 2018

In 2018 the Lord sent this author to Uganda Africa opening up doors to preach this end-times message. This is in the same area along the Nile River where the end of days prophecies originally came from through old school prophets like Daniel (Egypt on the horn of Africa) and John (Patmos/Asia Minor) thousands of years ago. This author spoke at end times conferences in 2018 for the first time since this message's inception in 2012. A simple message came forth on a platform in one of the largest churches in the country in front of 10'000 people at a Revival in Kam Pala. Healing evangelist Apostle Robert Kayanja interviewed this author on live TV (Robert carries TL Osborne's mantle) broadcast to over 100 million people worldwide the message was "GET READY FOR THE HARVEST" Rev 14:14-16. We are now in a time of the burning bush, just like Moses God had to get his attention. In 2019 Robert Kayanja then received a vision from God to build a mobile stage an evangelism Semi-trailer truck for the harvest (now built see 2021 video) to travel around Uganda (see 2018 video of broadcast from Uganda). The Bride of Christ worldwide is now positioned by God for the greatest worldwide move of His Glory any nation has ever seen prior to His return, He is coming soon, keep watch.  

 UGANDA 2019

In November of 2019 while attending Revival in Kam Pala this author was again invited up to Robert Kayanja's platform to share on the End Times, the message was Joel 2:3 an army is coming of God a fire in front and behind them standing in a land like Eden a heavenly atmosphere "GET READY FOR THE HARVEST" Rev 14:14-16. It was revealed to this author in May of 2019, seven months prior to Dec 2019 (Covid 19) from Dan 8:13-14, that God would begin to cleanse His sanctuary (church on Earth) ready for harvest. The Lord said to watch Dec 2019 going into 2020 something huge was to happen (I thought revival was coming, see chapters at bottom of the website). The sanctuary cleansing began when Covid 19 hit in Dec 2019 into 2020, by March 2020 the worldwide church began to be shut down, in nearly 188 countries. Everything happening in this world in our generation is all about the body of Christ and Jesus's second coming a spiritual battle to the end between darkness and light God and Satan.  A "WAKE UP SHAKE UP " had begun in the world especially the body of Christ worldwide, even at a leadership level. God states in Haggai 2:6 He will in the last days shake the heavens and the Earth again. In Joel 3:9-10 God declares "WAKE UP THE MIGHTY MEN OF WAR" the nations are now being awakened for harvest. 


Robert Kayanja has built an amazing evangelism outreach truck from His 2019 vision to preach the gospel around Uganda. He is getting hold of God's heartbeat, this truck now stands ready in 2021 "SIGNS OF THE TIMES" (see video).



The next section below consists of end times chapters as downloadable PDF and PowerPoint documents they are living documents (updated). The chapters are placed in their dates of historic order and importance of fulfilment covering the books of Daniel (unsealed) and Revelation (revealed). I would strongly suggest you start with the Seals, Trumpets, and Bowls to lay the foundation to understand the historic fulfilments. Many have had gems of truths, then run off into confusing theories, this website and information is focused on historic facts versus prophecy, not guesswork. Seeing the order of fulfilment brings things into alignment to see the season we are in according to the scriptural context, prophecy is interconnected as history unfolds. The narrative of scripture is a series of prophetic connected events that create an overall picture. Revelations is a painting of God to His bride of the last days, a revealing of Christ to the nations, a love letter of mercy and grace to a broken generation.

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We live in the "END TIME" days of great deception don't be hoodwinked by various winds of end-times doctrine being preached "WAKE UP". Be a seeker of truth a researcher of history that ultimately proves prophecy. Never has the time been so urgent for the body of Christ. Great acceleration has happened in end-times events.


Intro Time Line

Seals, Bowls, Trumpets

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Below is a PDF download of the Historic timeline of Biblical events for the end times chapters on this website to give you an idea of sequences of fulfilments in prophecy.


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See personal end times diary dreams given since 1999 over 20 years of ongoing intentional revelation from God to back up these chapters.

"May the Spirit of Revelation Knowledge & Understanding Eph 1:17 be upon you, for it is knowing the truth that sets one free John 8:31-32".


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Daniel's timeline of prophecies runs from 605 BC to 538 BC, estimated over 2630 years ago. Daniel had dreams and visions of end-times events he was a seer prophet. His chapters were then sealed down the generations until their season was due. These are now being unsealed as history unfolds bringing alignment with the book of Revelation for the generation, we now live in.


Daniel 2 Dream U Tube Video Link "Statue of Nebuchadnezzar's dream Daniel 2" (Revelation TV): . A quick rundown on Daniel 2 Nebuchadnezzar's dream and the four coming Empires now all happened historically.


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Daniel 7 is now symbolized as four beasts an expansion symbolically of the four Empires from the Dan 2 statue of the mettle man of gold, silver, brass and bronze with the dream of Nebuchadnezzar. These four world Empires have all appeared historically over the last 2500 years.


U Tube Video Link "Daniel Unsealed - World History's Response to Biblical Prophecy":  Daniel 7 these four empires have all appeared in world history just as was shown to Daniel. God is a God of history, prophecy is our future coming but history already done in God's eyes the alpha and Omega the beginning and the end. The Bible is the only religion in the world centred upon prophecy, the things to come are proven only through history. God means what He says and says what He means, man tries to interpret it through futurist theology but 99% of the time he gets it wrong. End times teachings gone astray need to be challenged with truth.


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When doing research, hidden gems that bring understanding come to the surface to those willing to look. Because of miss interpreted un-discerned end times teachings, the truth according to scripture is sometimes hard to swallow as it exposes doctrinal lies of men. Scriptural prophecy will always interpret and confirm itself through actual history. With several years of study and many revelations accompanying historic fulfilment, this author has had to go through an entire shift in thinking from what I had been taught in church on various end-times theologies. A shift in scriptural understanding back to gospel truths needs to happen on end times teachings. The first part of Daniel 9 is a prayer about the 70 years of Israel’s captivity by the Babylonians, Daniel knew this time of captivity was nearly finished according to Jeremiah 29:10. Dan 9 then moves into the 70 weeks prophecy Jewish probation period for not keeping God's sabbath rest as delivered by the Angel Gabriel. The Jews had to come to the end of their transgression. It was the coming Messiah (The Anointed One) Jesus Christ who would do this by making an end of sin on the cross for all of mankind. 

Against the grain of end-times theories (imaginings) being taught around Daniels' 70-week prophecy. We must look at the origins of where these teachings came from and weigh them up. You will find certain teachings come from Jesuit invented twisted doctrine (Jesuits are sworn enemies of protestants the modern Christian church), to counter the Martin revolution after the council of Trent in the 1550s, called forth by the Vatican. Daniel 9 has become a target of one of those Jesuit-created teachings as revealed in actual history, this Jesuit-invented teaching is referred to as the "Daniel 69 week gap theory last 7 years" (antichrist theory) robbing many of Biblical truth as you will discover in this chapter. When one believes in lies being taught because of mainstream pressures, it takes a bit to receive the truth step by step. According to Biblical history by 34 AD the Daniel 9  70-week prophecy was fulfilled in its entirety word for word. Daniel 9, 70 weeks is connected to other prophecies such as Zech 11. Some prophecies you never hear preached about as they don't fit man's end-times futurist theory narrative, only God's. See the chapter for further understanding. ​

2 Pe 1:20-21 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke, as the Holy Spirit moved them.  (NKJV)


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The cross of Christ was the greatest moment in all of mankind's history past present and future a cosmic shift in realms, transgression was ended for the Jews under the Old Covenant, sin was defeated on the cross for all. This was done for the restoration of all creation, that man may receive eternal salvation through accepting Jesus Christ into their hearts by faith Eph 2:8. This was the defeat of Satan and the forces of evil in one act a sacrifice of love by our Lord and Saviour. This is the work of a supernatural superhero to defeat all the powers of darkness in one move. No falsely invented God comes even close to what Jesus did on that cross.


U Tube Video Link "The Crucifixion: with scenes from Passion of the Christ":  

1Pe 2:24: Who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness by whose stripes you were healed.  (NKJV)

Col 2:14 -15: Having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.  (NKJV)

Joh 3:16-17:  For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.   (NKJV)

Rom 10:9-10: That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation. (NKJV)

Eph 2:8  For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God. (NKJV) 


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The 1st and 2nd resurrections are connected to the 1st and 2nd deaths in prophecy. The 1st resurrection of the dead began with Jesus's resurrection changing everything see chapter.


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​​Rev 5:2-5   Then I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, "Who is worthy to open the scroll and to loose its seals?" And no one in heaven or on the earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll or to look at it......  Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the scroll and to loose its seven seals."   (NKJV)
Seal 1 is a conquering of the world spiritually (antichrist spirit) through substances that can cause addictions and false euphoria of the flesh such as pharmaceuticals, alcohol, illegal drugs and cigarettes bringing deception and bondage as you will see in this chapter. The seals up to seal 5 "The martyrs of Christ" were released at Christ's resurrection down the generations. Stephen became the first martyr in Acts 6:7 of Seal 5, the seals then began coming into their full fruition worldwide at the turn of the 19th century. The first 5 seals came into their full capacity in our modern generation with the rise of Islam the persecution against Christians worldwide the industrial revolution and advancements in technology, see chapters for understanding. The last two seals are connected to the return of Christ and His 7th Trumpet wrath against the wicked. Since Christ and the cross 2000 years ago the generations had the first 5 Seals released, the longest road to Armageddon. Historically the Trumpets began being released at the turn of the 19th century forwards beginning with WW1 the second longest journey to Armageddon. Then the bowls began being released in the 1980's forwards being the shortest journey to Armageddon this has all been in Gods timing, not man's. The seven seals began their  release by Christ at His resurrection, John saw this in prison on the Island of Patmos nearly 60 years later in his visions (96 AD est) as seen in the Book of Revelations. With Jesus's death and resurrection, the end times began. At Jesus' resurrection war broke out in heaven Satan knew his time had become short as He was cast down to the earth like lightning Lk 10:18 as Jesus had seen. Satan now remains on earth accusing us to our faces then in Rev 12.:12-17 the dragon then went off to make war with the saints Seal 5. All that happens in this world is ultimately about the bride of Christ, a war over men's souls until Jesus returns. He is coming soon the Earth and Heaven are the saint's inheritance in Christ it's not for the wicked.


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This chapter has been written, to bring further understanding for Christians on the 1st Seal "The White Horse Conqueror", how it operates through one of several substances. This chapter is around the topic of alcohol that brings people into bondage (a controversial subject for Christians) this substance is mentioned by God all through the Bible carrying spiritual warnings. You will see what scripture says about it, find out what the root cause of the child sex slave trade is, its spiritual effects, and how this substance Marr's your discernment to tell between what is Holy and unholy. This study has been done to bring understanding to the individual around alcohol from Genesis to Revelation.


See Bitchute Video "Divine Image Destroyed" By Christine Beadsworth: https://ww    This video reveals what Pharmachia  COVID-19 Vaccines are doing to our bodies at a DNA level along with accurate scriptural references. The Seal 1 White Horse conqueror is directly connected spiritually to big Pharma and vaccine rollouts, such as the Covid 19 mRNA Gene Therapy injections called vaccines. See also the connection to chapter 42A "Daniel 8, 2300 day prophecy fulfilment", surely this is a world being conquered by an antichrist spirit and agenda even in our modern generation. There is also a direct connection to chapter 28 Rev 13:1-10 the beast-man of sin.  

2 Thess 2:4 "He will even sit in the temple of God, claiming that he himself is God. who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God. He will oppose and exalt himself above every so-called god or object of worship".


See U Tube Video "Pastor John Kilpatrick Addresses Alcohol Within the Body of Christ":  

This video is Pasta John  Kilpatrick from the old USA Brownsville revival days of the early 1990's preaching on alcohol "a hot potato" topic on May 18th 2024 and why Christians shouldn't touch it. God requires holiness in his people cleans hands and a pure heart Lev 10:9, Ps 24:3-4. Many leaders in recent times in major ministries across the body of Christ have been exposed with confessions to alcohol related sins and adultery.


See U Tube Video "Coffee and what it does to your body - BBC World Service":

This video is a short background documentary about Coffee and Caffeine, how it fueled the past world slave trade to grow and how it effects your body , stimulates your brain nervous system as a mind altering Psyhoactive drug. With 2 billion cups of coffee being consumed each day around the world, as a 90 billion dollar a year industry this drug a legal substance, has surely been used by the Seal 1 Conqueror,  who has conquered the world spiritually affecting billions. Churches around the world meet up worship God then at the end of the service they fill up with Caffeine, we live in a crazy deceived world. Just remember the enemy of our souls moves in very subtle deception to keep us in demonic bondage to conquer us.

"A psychoactive drug, mind-altering drug, or consciousness-altering drug is a chemical substance that changes brain function and results in alterations in perception, mood, consciousness, cognition, or behavior ".



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With seal 2 "Peace is Removed" conflict and wars increase as you will see in this chapter that this has happened, especially since the turn of the 19th century like never before. By 70 AD Jerusalem is destroyed in a prophesied war nearly wiping out the Jews killing over 1 million, truly this seal began its quest with many wars down the generations since Christ.


U Tube Video "World Battleground, 1000 years of war in 5 minutes":  See the dramatic increase in wars on the world map of conflicts at the turn of 19th century into WW1 and WW2 and beyond with the first and second trumpets of revelations.


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Seal 3 Famine has plagued man in modern times famine is now threatening multitudes in the millions. The prophecies of the end times seven seals began their manifesting after Christ was resurrected. It is hard to evaluate accurately famines due to a lack of recorded history in the last 2000 years. The first four seals have been ongoing down the generations in some form with the Conqueror, War, Famine, and Widespread death. If we look at the scripture the seals are released first, as the longest road to Armageddon Rev 16:16 then the Trumpets then the bowls as the shortest road. The Trumpets definitely began to be released at the turn of the 19th century, the first in 1914 with WW1. The seals began coming into fullness at the turn of the 19th century leading into the seven trumpets and seven bowls through historic events.


U Tube Video 1 "Famines throughout the ages: 19th-21st Century Pt. 2 of 2'":  Famines have been around for a long time the first were recorded Biblically in the days before Christ as an example you had Egypt in a 7-year famine in the time of Joseph. The famines of the 3rd seal are worldwide famines impacting millions unlike in any other generation specific to the end of days.


U Tube Video 2 "The 4 man-made famines threatening 20 million people'":  Many end of days famines have been created by man through war as a weapon to control masses through the greed for power. Forced famines have occurred in four nations by terrorists after the Arab Spring uprising of 2010-2011.


U Tube Video 3 "Pandemic could mean 260 million people worldwide 'marching toward starvation'":  Famine, and Widespread death, if we look at past and present famine situations terrible famines have occurred over the last 2000 years. Yet in our modern times, we have faced and are now facing the worst famine conditions the world has ever seen as of 2021 since COVID-19 hit up to 260 million people are facing starvation.


U Tube Video 4 "Why Farmers Are Destroying Millions Of Pounds Of Food":  

Millions of animals and food crops are being destroyed all around the world in food-producing nations due to Covid 19. Because of restaurant closes, fast food stores and lockdowns, a bottleneck has happened overstocking of grocery stores in many countries. This is going to cause a backlash in food shortages (famine) to come as an entire season of food growth has been destroyed millions of tonnes of food-gone an economic backlash will hit food growers.


U Tube Video 4 "URGENT YOU MUST WATCH AND PASS ON Biden Food Shortages Real Bird Flu PCR PFAS closes farms":

This is a man-made crisis of food shortages designed to bring populations into NWO governmental control into submission "Go green" Agenda 2030.


U Tube Video 5 "Millions of Animals and Crops Are Being Destroyed Due to COVID-19 | The Latest with Lee":


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Seal 4 Death widespread death has happened for over 2000 years since this seal was opened at Christ's resurrection. By 70AD at Jerusalem's destruction through war, they killed over 1 million as this seal burst forth and on down the generations. It increased exponentially at the turn of the 19th century across the world in every arena with increased natural disasters, wars, genocides, famines, pestilences, Aids and other man-made causes. With Jerusalems 1 million deaths, Islam killing an estimated 669 million, papacy killing another 70 - 150 million, WW1 70-100 million, WW2  70 million, Armenian Genocide up to 1.2 million, Cambodia 2.5 million, Mao and Stalin's 100 million-plus that's a billion-plus forced death's over 2000 years just from war alone.


Seal 4 "Death" Comparison: Largest Death Tolls :

Death tolls from all sorts of things wars,  pestilences and famines are not included here yet millions have died from these unnatural events. Some statistics are very underestimated on this video yet it gives us a clear picture of this Seal 4 death being released around the world since the time of Christ 2000 years ago. The number of deaths has increased and accelerated in the 19th, 20th and 21st century as you will see.


Seal 4 "Death Comparison: Wars:


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Seal 5 speaks about all the saints martyred killed for Christ by the Dragon of Rev 12 who went out to war against the woman's children down the generations the very first martyr after Christ's death in 27 AD (estimated) was Steven in 34 AD in Acts 7. These martyrs have now increased in number and continue to do so with 200 million Christians persecuted worldwide in 60 nations (Islam, North Korea, China) many Christians are dying in Islamic countries such as Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Nigeria, Somalia, and Saudi Arabia. Down the generation's in the last 2000 year's hundreds of millions of Christians have been terribly martyred by the enemy. According to prophecy the last two Christians to be martyred before His return is the two witnesses Rev 11, for Israel's salvation the last nation to be saved at His return in the Bible. The witnesses deaths are to fulfill the complement of martyrs Rev 6:9-11  before His return Rev 11. The Martyr's blood cries out for the return of Christ for the harvest to come in for His justice to move upon the nations soon to come in our days. God's justice is to restore to save to deliver to forgive to love all until His wrath upon the wicked at His return.


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Jesus prophesied during His ministry that Jerusalem would be attacked and the Temple destroyed. This then came to pass historically in 70 AD a generation later around 40 years after his death and resurrection.


70 AD 2nd Temple Destroyed U Tube Video "A Temple in Flames The Final Battle for Jerusalem and the Destruction of the Second Temple": . This is His Story history proves prophecy, in 70 AD as Jesus had prophesied about Jerusalem is destroyed starting the times of the Gentiles (scroll down see chapter 11 70AD - 1967AD).


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Written over 2000 years ago around 96 AD the book of Revelation contains astounding visions and prophecies tied directly to the book of Daniel and other end-time prophecies. The seven churches of Revelation are an unveiling of in-house problems where Jesus addresses church issues. The seven churches let us understand the spiritual conditions every generation of Christians has had to face and overcome gaining certain blessings.


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The connection between the Vatican and Islam has been over generations, interwoven throughout history in their creation from religious practices and persecution to war and now union. They have both had the Dragon's antichrist persecution spirit against God's saints for over a millennium. To have the antichrist beast nature is to deny Christ to have something in place of, Catholics worship Mary above Christ and Muslims deny Christ as Lord who also worships Mary along with Allah symbolized by the Sun and moon both religions now have an estimated 3.34 billion followers combined worldwide as of 2021. The Vatican along with Islam also have long-held connections to Freemasonry and the Jesuit order they truly have been shrouded in secrecy and mystery (part of mystery Babylon) with gems to be discovered by those willing to dig a little. See PDF chapter download and Walter Veith video below for more understanding. 


U Tube Video "Walter Veith The Islamic Connection to Catholicism":


U Tube Video "ISLAM (How the VATICAN created it) ":  This is a testimony by an ex-Jesuit priest Roberto Rivera who converted to Christianity he was eventually killed for his testimony. His testimony was published by Chick Publications in California USA several years ago. This testimony is hard to prove evidentially as all records are in Vatican catacombs. If true this seems to be a missing key to the connection between the Vatican and Islam who have both killed true Christians under an antichrist spirit for hundreds of years.


U Tube Video "Keys: Why Document signed by pope and Muslim leader is so important":

A Vatican Muslim declaration was signed in Dubai in February 2019. Pope Francis 1 has clearly said both religions worship the same God, in a sense they do as it's not the God of Jesus Christ, both followers of Islam and Catholicism need to be saved through Jesus Christ. Many Muslims and Catholics are devout followers many are peaceful yet their leaders are not they have agendas through their religious systems of belief absolute power corrupts absolutely. The Pope also says Islam is a religion of peace he is clearly deceived, a spade is a spade. The Muslim religion has been the biggest generational killing machine on Earth over a period of 1400 years they have killed up to 669 million people historically (see Muslim martyrs' chapter). In the Koran, Muslims are told to oppress and beat their wives some end up killing them.
Muslim's charge Jizya tax to non-Muslims living in their midst a protection tax or those that don't get persecuted. Muslim-dominated countries persecute 200 million Christians in 60 nations around the world. Do some research on Google terrorism attacks you will find 90% are  Islamic in the name of Allah Muslims wage war through Jihad. Islam kill and destroy lives in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Israel, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Europe, France, Germany, Somalia, Sudan, Uganda, Turkey, Syria, Nigeria, India, Yemen, Egypt, Tunisia and Iraq just to name a few countries of Muslim terrorism Jihad. Since 9/11 in 2001 the Twin Towers attack there have been over 23000 Muslim terrorist attacks worldwide "fact".

In 2017, an estimated 26,445 people died from terrorism globally. Over the previous decade, the average number of annual deaths was 21,000. However, there can be significant year-to-year variability. Over the last decade, the global death toll ranged from its lowest of 7,827 in 2010 to the highest year of 44,490 in 2014. (See:


An outline of the religion of peace Islam by expert Dr David Wood see U Tube Video "the religion of peace followers bomb the innocent in Boston , David wood explains ":


The solid truth about Islam's history "Investigating Islam with Dr. Jay Smith"  U Tube video :


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Throughout history, you can trace the main veins of the persecution of God's saints that have taken place generationally by the Dragon of Rev 12. With historic dates and timelines, history proves prophetic fulfilment once again. According to actual history for a period of 1260 years you had the Holy Roman Empire persecuting Christians (anyone) who would not bow to Papal powers (heretics/ protestants) chaining the scriptures to the Vatican Papacy denying the people the truth of God's word until Martin Luther came along in the 1550s. Then later on Napoleon stopped the inquisitions by arresting the last Holy Roman Emperor in 1798.  You also have Muslims in Islamic nations that have been persecuting Christians and Jews down through the last 1400 years as they do today the Vatican and Islam like a demonic vulture with two wings against Gods saints ripping much flesh down the centuries.


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The Vatican since its creation in 313 AD under Constantine the Great morphed into a compromising church changing doctrines. They moved away from gospel truths, creating rituals and worship practices, even worshipping Mary above Jesus as the venerated mother as sinless because of the immaculate conception they worship dead corpses and believe in purgatory. The Vatican since 538 AD began persecuting and killing anyone that disagreed with them. The new Papal powers would last right through and past the Martin Luther Pentecostal revolution of the 1550's. It is estimated the Vatican Papacy has killed 70 to 150 million people over 1260 years without repentance much blood is on their hands Rev 17.


U Tube Video "The Roman Catholic Inquisition and Torture of Protestant Christians":


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Since Islam's creation by Muhammad in 610 AD it has been the biggest generational killing machine on earth for 1400 years, killing an estimated 669 million people all across the world. In our modern generation apart from North Korea and China's persecutions of Christians, it is mainly Islam that is persecuting an estimated 200 million Christians in nearly 60 countries around the world. The worldwide church has come under heavy attack by Islam. especially in the Middle East region and Africa.


U Tube Video "ISIS claims beheadings of Ethiopian Christians":  News report on Isis killing Christians.


See 2014 U Tube Video "ISIS attacks in Syria and Iraq may be emerging genocide":  News report on Isis killing Christians.


U Tube Video "Message to ISIS - Amaheric":   This video is to honour the deaths of Gods saints by the enemies of God.


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This chapter gives us a brief insight to the history of the Vatican, how it has been intertwined with the Knights Templar, the Jesuits, Freemasons, Knights of Malta, and the Illuminati. The Vatican has many dark secrets it has never repented of, it has an evil agenda for mankind. As Rev 17 states, it is a city built on seven hills (Modern Rome) a wicked woman, a harlot drinking the blood of the saints from a golden cup of abominations dressed in scarlet (red) and purple that rides the end of days beast.


True History Of The Rothschild Illuminati! 50 Year Old Documentary video


Who Are The Bilderberg Group video


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The first Trumpet 1914 - 1918  took place after the turn of the 19th century as a major world event involving more than 100 countries mobilizing 70 million soldiers and 60 million civilians up to 20 million died in this war. WW1 was known as the Great War the trench war it also sparked off the industrial revolution in technology advancements with the first flame throwers and artillery. You also had the Spanish flu that came from WW1 killing another 50-100 million people. This war saw the defeat of the Ottoman Empire by the Australian and New Zealand Light horsemen that cleared the way for Israel to become a nation again in 1948.


U Tube Video Link "World War 1 Timeline":

The First Trumpet was WW1 1914-1918 see video timeline.


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Trumpet 2 WW2 was from 1938 to 1945, there were 30 countries that fought in the war with over 100 million military personnel it was only 20 years between WW1 and WW2. The second world war had around 70 -85 million fatalities/deaths from war, starvation, massacres, disease atomic weapons were used 6 million Jews were killed in concentration camps by Hitler. The 1st and 2nd trumpets destroyed up to 160 million people. Israel reformed as a nation within 3 years of WW2 being finished. The trumpets have taken place so far in the Continent of Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. This region is a quarter of the world's landmass the lands of the birth of God's worldwide church and His chosen people Israel in the promised land, from the Nile River in Africa to the Euphrates River in Asia Minor.


U Tube Video Link "World War 11 Timeline":

The Second Trumpet was WW2 1938-1945 see video timeline.


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You do not have a world-dominating power, without Satan behind it until Jesus returns setting up His final Kingdom: Luke 4:5-6:Then the devil, taking Him (Jesus) up on a high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.  And the devil said to Him, "All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish.  (NKJV)

It was out of WW2 (Trumpet 2) the United Nations vision was birthed in 1945 by two known Freemason leaders Winston Churchill (Britain) and Franklin Roosevelt (USA) seemingly a vision for world peace a new global order, remember Satan comes as an angel of white light it seems right but is not 2 Cor 11:14. The UN would go on to become the single most powerful organization over nations (193 nations) in the world (absolute power corrupts absolutely). The UN would then have its foundation called the Earth Charter created by 3 men Steven Rockefeller (Rockefeller's). Maurice Strong (billionaire) and Mikhail Gorbachev (Russian Communist), this was also promoted by Pope John Paul of the Vatican (Holy Roman Empire Rev 17). In the 20th century, there has been a shift in the UN power hold from the USA (Eagle) to China (Dragon) and Britain (Lion) with new bank agreements. 

Britain and China were 2 of the original superpower protector nations of the UN after WW2 (from WW2 Russia, USA, Britain, China) of course Russia and China (Marxism communist socialism, Bric's banks) are partners against the USA globally and financially. The UN power base moves across all aspects of humanity such as Politics, Religion (Vatican, Islam), Environment (UNEP), World Socialism (Agenda 2030), World Health (WHO, COVID-19, Vaccination program etc), Military (UN security forces, NATO), International Refugee Organization (IRO Global Immigration Compact), Food and Agriculture (FAO), Diplomatic Decisions (UN Security Council) to Economics (IMF, World banks), World trade (WTO Ten economic World Trade Unions) and now Freedom of Speech (Hate Speech Law) these all seem like great causes but are all part of the control agenda of the UN Global Order.

In modern times the UN now consists of 193 nations with one-third being Islamic nations (46). There are 57 Islamic state member nations in the OIC (2.14 billion Muslims worldwide as of 2018) with a permanent delegation to the UN and EU through the OIC (Islamic Organization of Cooperation and Unity). The Vatican also has a permanent delegation to the UN as well as the EU and the IMF (Banker families Rothschilds, Morgans, Rockefeller's etc). It is known the UN hates true Christians (along with the Vatican and Islam throughout history) who are intolerant as the only group of people who will stand against their agendas to control the world the New World Order of Globalism (system of Babylon Rev 18 the final Holy Roman Empire ten toes and feet of Iron and Clay Dan 2).


NEW WORLD ORDER – What You Need to Know! | Gary Kah:

In 2001 Sid Roth an investigative reporter from Its Supernatural TV program had two guests on his show who were insiders at the UN who had attended several secret UN meetings. These two people both state clearly, the UN hates true Christians (12 mins in) that the UN has been planning for a long time to have world domination a takeover and taxing of the nations.


What the Bible Says about the New World Order:


Trump tells UN General Assembly U.S. rejects 'global governance:

In 2018 Donald J Trump showed us why he has been hated by the UN and their associate organization's the world media Paris Accord and world trade etc, due to his stand against the evil corruption in his rejection of the UN, Opec and Globalism (19 mins in) to strip sovereignty from nations. He spoke on withdrawing from Iran's nuclear deal set up by Obama that was against Israel and recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital city.


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Israel was re-established as a nation in 1948 a supernatural miracle and fulfilment of ancient prophecy after 1978 years since 70 AD when it was destroyed no longer able to be a nation. This was a major historic prophetic fulfilment. When you see the fig tree bud this generation shall not pass until all is fulfilled, the end of the age. In modern terms, a generation is now 85 years, when Jerusalem was recognized by President Trump as the capital of Israel on Dec 6th 2017 it had been 70 years since President Truman recognized Israel as a state on May 14th 1948, to be reborn as a nation. This took place after David Ben Gurion the first Israeli Prime Minister read out the proclamation of nationhood announcing "The name of our state shall be Israel", time is truly short.

Mat 24:32 -34 "Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near at the doors! Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place.  (NKJV)


Israel becomes a nation again 1948 U Tube Video "The Reestablishment of Israel On May 14, 1948":


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The times of the Gentiles started with the invasion of Jerusalem in 70 AD as Jesus had prophesied about. This trampling by the Gentiles (Non-Jews) would last until Jerusalem's 1967 six-day war.


The times of the Gentiles where Jerusalem was trampled completely ended in 1967. U Tube Video "1967 Six Day War - documentary especially edited":


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 According to historic fulfillments, unlike the seals and Trumpets, it is hard to get exact dates around some of the bowls. So they will appear in their estimated order of biblical numbered sequence. Some bowls began earlier yet build in momentum, while others came later. Bowl 1 definitely came first then Bowls 2 and 3 seemed to be harder to pin down in sequence etc. In the  Hebrew scrolls, they get the bowls in exact sequential order. History has revealed their fulfilment as you will see.

Bowl 1 is poured out upon those directly worshipping the image of the beast (in man the sinful nature) where they are marked according to prophecy. The image of the beast symbolises the beast's nature in men. All who are not saved have the beast's mark, his spiritual nature until saved. This prophecy is particular about worshipping an image (man created in God's image) the idolatry of man is an abomination to God (beast nature). This prophecy is specific to those who have the beast's mark the unsaved who are caught in a very specific abomination of perversion and sin. This beast mark is directly tied to the unsaved, as a prophecy it is in the same context as the False Prophet's mark of the beast (to worship the beast's image) but not the same in prophesied occurrence as the False prophets mark of the beast prophecy. Yet some try to tie the two together they are both specific situations that occur with mankind leading to the same mark of the beast in the Spirit realms. Yet both prophecies have different fulfilment in description and biblical context (See chapters) but end up with the same Mark of the Beast. This 1st bowl became a serious epidemic that became rampant through nations because of the perversion of the natural relations between men and women Rom 1:27. The bowls are the shortest journey to His return being poured out in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Bowl 1
  began to emerge in 1980 accompanying medical reports in the USA of a new disease. With a growing perversion of the natural order between a man and a woman a new disease came forth into worldwide awareness in 1987 finally to be recognized as Aids on the world scene. The very first Aids cases came forth in 1980-1981 in the USA. So from 1980 the bowls had now begun to be released after the beginning of the trumpet releases at the turn of the 19th century. See chapters for fulfilment and understanding.


U Tube Video "After 40 years of AIDS, progress has been made but major problems remain":  2021 is the 40th year since Bowl 1 loathsome sores (AIDS) coming upon those that worshipped the beast (nature of sin) who had the mark of the beast was poured out with the first reported cases in 1980-1981 then by 2021 killing an estimated 35 million-plus people over 40 years more than WW1.


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Trumpet 3 came to pass in 1986 the worst nuclear disaster the world has ever seen see chapter for understanding.  Things are speeding up with the trumpets now, prophecy is being fulfilled rapidly on the world scene in historic ways just as God had predicted thousands of years ago.


Trumpet 3 Wormwood took place in 1986 U Tube Video  Link "The Chernobyl Disaster: How It Happened":


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Trumpet 4 began in August 1990 ending in Jan 1991 under USA president George Bush senior with the Gulf war the Kuwait Desert Storm invasion, involving 35 nations. Saddam Hussein of Iraq set over 700 oil wells on fire, see chapter to understand its fulfilment in recent history. The 4th , 5th, 6th and 7th trumpets all follow one another separated by Gods timelines and seasons, they have a circumstantial prophetic connection to each other. They are tied into the same Middle East region and international politics.


Trumpet 4 U Tube Video Link "Fires of Kuwait [IMAX]":

Trumpet 4 began in 1990 under President George Bush Senior. Smoke out of the pit as up to 750 oil wells burned in Kuwait set on fire by Saddam Hussein blocking out the sun by day and the moon by night over the region.

 Rev 8:12 Then the fourth angel sounded: And a third of the sun was struck, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of them were darkened. A third of the day did not shine, and likewise the night.  (NKJV)


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The world-changing 2001 Twin Towers incident in the USA happened under known Freemason New World Order supporter President George W Bush Junior. The entire world felt this event shift things in the spiritual realm and natural realms. This was the hinge to unveil the book of Revelation. Something had taken place that changed the course of the season of men all around the world, with the new threat of terrorism. This event fulfilled a 2750-year-old prophecy from 739 BC as found in Isaiah 30:25. Never before in any generation from Noah forward, have we seen such changes worldwide affecting all nations simultaneously on the world stage. WW1 and WW2 involved millions along with modern technology emerging across nations. The world-altering event 9/11 is shrouded in questions as eyewitnesses police and firemen stated, they heard bombs exploding in the buildings beneath them and around them. This went unreported by the mainstream media narratives. The rubble left from the collapse was almost minuscule to the size of the buildings with steel disintegrating into dust as it fell as seen on live footage.

Other witnesses had raw footage of the Towers showing no planes only explosions (see videos) pointing to the planes being added in afterwards by the media CGI, they reported tower 7 on live TV as falling down when it still stood in behind them 30 mins before it fell (see video) yet it takes at least two weeks to set up such demolition explosives in a 47 story building as such. Engineers state it's impossible for an aluminium plane to pass through a solid steel building as they did with the Twin Towers a bird impact can cause a huge dent in the front of a plane. What we do know is this incident killed many and led us into the 5th trumpet war the fall of these buildings forced change upon international infrastructure and security in nations changing economics worldwide along with freedoms being stripped from populations through new rules and laws being implemented on a worldwide scale, where men's hearts are in fear. After 9/11 the pentagon came out with a plan to invade 7 nations in only a few years according to General Wesley Clark in 2001. We may never know the truth of what took place on September 11th 2001, it's been well proven the media is corrupt worldwide and told what they can and cannot say.

Rev 13:4  So they worshipped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshipped the beast, saying, "Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?"  (NKJV)


U Tube Video "9/11 Timeline: The Attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City | History"":


U Tube Video "Twin Towers Filled With Bombs On 911:"

U Tube Video Ventura's take on 9/11: 'They wanted it to happen":

This is a BBC reporter arguing with Ventura that the BBC never knew 30 mins before tower 7 fell, yet they did see the next video below.


U Tube Video "'BBC Reports 911, WTC 7 Collapse BEFORE it Happens":

This was a news prediction 30 mins before the actual building 7 fell pre- meditated reporting from who ?


U Tube Video "2019 nine eleven CGI planes added in'": You can't find this video anymore on U Tube it's in my archive of information. It shows live footage of missing planes CGI plane add in's and computer glitches of those added planes. Not everything you watch on TV is reported as truth 90% is more than likely programmed to be a false narrative, do your own research. Years ago the CIA had a program called project Mocking Bird that fed the public through the media false stories seen as true a brain washing program.



U Tube Video "Dr. Judy Wood – 9/11 Directed Energy Weapon":  when one looks at the evidence things don't add up to the FBI/CIA investigation and their biased reports. Private investigations have been done also that reveal a completely different situation with more questions than answers, you decide. You are labelled a "Conspiracy theorist" when the truth is to be looked into that's different from the government narrative given. 



U Tube Video "Wesley Clark Told The Truth":  After 9/11 took place a Pentagon plan came out to invade 7 nations in 7 years General Wesley Clark testifies to this secret plan, every one of those 7 nations at the time did not have a Rothschilds bank in them controlling the finances. So this took place through George W Bush then Barack Hussein Obama (See dream chapter of Bush and Obama on fire as beasts) the 7 nations were then warred against by the USA along with Afghanistan. What most people don't understand is on September 10th 2001, Donald Rumsfield proclaimed in the media that 2.3 Trillion dollars was missing from the Pentagon and under investigation at the Pentagon. The next day the part of the Pentagon that was destroyed was the budget analyst office where D.O.D staff were working on 2.3 Trillion that went missing. Most of the computers and budget records were destroyed along with 100 accountant staff killed, that issue was then conveniently dropped it just vanished no more inquiry into it.


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Trumpet 5 began in 2003 under President George W Bush following the Twin towers attack of 2001 as prophesied by Isaiah in Is 30:25-32. 9/11, set the world on an alternative course of Revelation fulfilment and acceleration of the times. The 5th Trumpet also cross-connects to ancient prophecies as spoken by Jacob over Joseph's sons and Abraham over his sons Isaac and Ishmael, as you will see in this chapter.


U Tube Video Link "Iraq invasion: the defining images":

Trumpet 5 began in 2003 under President George W Bush junior more oil wells were set on fire and oil lakes causing smoke from the pit once again Apache helicopters like locusts flew through the smoke into battle. 


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Barack Hussein Obama stepped into the limelight in 2008 using a design of the Pergamon alter the seat of Satan a sign of the times. Obama visited this Pergamon alter in Berlin one month prior to his Denver victory speech in July 2008. The Pergamon alter design was chosen by Obama at his national convention in 2008, set up at the Invesco field in Denver for his presidential candidacy acceptance speech 84’000 people attended the gathering.


U Tube Link "Obama's Throne Of Satan (Pergamon Altar)":

Barack Hussein Obama 2008 design of the Pergamon alter the seat of Satan a sign of the times. 


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Daniel 11 is a controversial chapter that splits midway from the Old Testament history into the New Testament end times prophecies expanding upon the end of days Rev 13:1-10 antichrist. Starting in Daniel 11 from verses 21-45 it jumps forward by over 2000 years to become an end-times portion of scripture recent historic events have now proven this. Leaping forward in history to modern times where the symbolism of the King of the north proves to be the Rev 13:1-10 end times beast from the sea as you will see in this chapter.


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It was in 2009 that Herman Van Rompuy ex-prime minister of Germany announced to the world that the new global governance (NWO) had begun now reborn under the EU. On Nov 3rd, 2009 the ”Holy Roman Empire” was officially reborn with the signing by world leaders of the “Lisbon Treaty” this took place live on international TV. Members of the EU make up most of the original Holy Roman Empire nations (European Union of now 29 nations). Henry Kissinger in 2005 said in the next 4 years (2009) will be the beginning of the New World Order see videos.


U Tube Video Link "The Globalists Agenda - New World Order Quotes from Politicians (1950 - 2009) Part 1":

2009 Herman Van Rompuy the EU president announced 2009 is the first year of Global governance with the Lisbon Treaty being signed the same year 2009 Obama appears and the Euphrates River begins to dry up.


U Tube Video Link "The Globalists' Agenda - New World Order Quotes from Politicians (1950 - 2009) Part 2 ":


U Tube Video Link "The Globalists' Agenda - New World Order Quotes from Politicians (1950 - 2009) Part 3 ":


U Tube Video Link "The Best Documentary Ever - THE NEW WORLD ORDER A 6000 Year History HD FEATURE": This is a 2 hour documentary about the New World Order a great watch.


U Tube Video Link "COP26: Prince Charles says 'time has quite literally run out' : 

November 1st 2021 COP26 climate summit speech, about the New World Order intentions.........  Prince Charles in 2021 now King in 2023 said: "We also know that countries, many of whom are burdened by growing levels of debt, simply cannot afford to go green. Here we need a vast military style campaign to Marshall the strength of the global private sector, with trillions at "his or its" disposal far beyond global GDP, and with the greatest respect, beyond even the governments of the world’s leaders". At his coronation King Charles swore on a bible before God : - that he was a protestant promising that he would uphold Gods laws for the people to protect the church,  yet he is pushing climate change and the "New World Order" agenda 2030, this is against God and Christ, its antichrist "you do not mock God". Charles has pushed the green agenda since he was 21 years old he created Agenda 2021 -2030 with Schwab as far back as 1992. He also spoke about 300 CEO private sector leaders he has had consolation with, these are the Rothschild corporations connected with their newly formed group "The Council for Inclusive Capitalism" also joined with the Vatican "The Holy Roman Empire" ; - headed up by Lady Lynn Forester De Rothschild the face of deception.

They are promoting capitalism to make themselves look good while pushing Marxist communist socialist policies through the UN (Agenda 2030). They are promoting and pushing through the UN Islam , LGBT/transgender onto children, pedophilia, Homosexual marriage, anti hate speech laws, experimental Covid vaccines and full term abortion onto nations to further their chaotic agendas. It's interesting to know King Charles has been friends with Claus Schwab for many years now, connected to the World Economic Forum they  launched the "Great Reset" together in 2020, using the Covid 19 plandemic.


This is a video "The Great Reset _ Klaus Schwab & Prince Charles 1992". it was Prince Charles now King Charles 111 that began agenda 2021 now called agenda 2030 the UN charter with Klaus Schwab back in 1992 who is now pushing the "Great Reset" where "you will own nothing and be happy". A Marxist socialist regime they are now pushing worldwide, the destruction of national sovereignty and democracy around the world. King Charles is a globalist climate change buff that states "We need a military-style campaign to change the world with trillions at His disposal even more than world governments GDP" who is this he Charles refers to in this video ?  Satan whom these elites worship ? the antichrist ? 



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There are three city-states around the world: 3 nations within nations, all overseen by the Holy Roman Empire rulers of these 3 cities. The systems of this current world are all run and influenced by the Holy Roman Empire. Some refer to this as the New World Order of the last days their seat of world unity for corruption influence and power is the UN. Certain rich elite families own all the industry-producing manufacturing companies in the world that supply food, weapons, medicines, transport, banks, insurance companies, oil, petrol, electricity and whatever else is a consumable item people use. These corporations run and influence international leaders around the world in every nation in the promoting of the Dragons deception over nations. This is an empire that mixes with men but like iron and clay they will not adhere to one another Dan 2:43. No unity will come of this Babylonian empire to rule the world it will fall as prophesied in Rev 18 just as the tower of babel fell before God.


See the three city states that rule the world. U Tube video "The 3-City State World Empire":


U Tube Video Link "Monopoly - Follow The Money" :  World control of corporate assets lead back to the Morgan’s, the Rockefeller's and Rothschild’s once again in Rev 18:23 you find the rich merchants that deceive the nation through their sorcery (Pharmacia). In Rev 17:12-17 you find the ten horns that war against Jesus in the last days of this last Empire they also destroy the harlot that sits over many waters the nations that's the systems of this world system of spiritual Babylon that are economic, military and political (We are in those times right now as of 2021). All roads lead back to Rome the Rothschild’s have run the Vatican finances, banking and investment industry since the early 19th century. The Vatican influence world leaders on policymaking and politics they bow to the rich elite merchants in recent months of 2021 Pope Francis has formalized an alliance with the largest figures in global finance led by none other than that noble banking family, Rothschild. The new alliance is a joint venture they call “Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican making new deals with rich elite companies worth 10 plus Trillion to reset the financial systems and trade of this world, they are no longer hiding in the shadows.

The ten-horn war of Rev 17: 12-14 a financial war (WW3 a Hybrid war it's biological and cyber-AI as well) we are now in is using COVID-19 as the fear trigger for tyranny and control over nations through the WHO /UN seat of the dragon Rev 13. We are in WW3 a hybrid war for economic, political overhaul and reset to strip national democracies of their rights and freedoms as nations to destroy truth ultimately to stop the gospel to see it as hate speech (UN).  Nations are a God design the rich elites are warring against God, they want a Babylonian One World Order to say they are the God over this world (sound familiar Satan ?). There is only one thing alone now that can stop this insanity a move of God by His Spirit across the nations waking them up turning the wickedness to righteousness bringing true fear to the world the fear of almighty God the Rev 14:16-18 harvest of nations see the video.  


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As a follow on from Daniel 11 King of the North and then Rev 13:1-10 the end of days Beast you find other names in the prophecies of this same beast such as the Man of Sin, the antichrist, son of perdition, Gog or the Assyrian are all the same character in the Biblical text. This individual can now be identified foundationally through prophecy and historic fulfilments as seen in these chapters. This is no longer guesswork or conspiracy theories it's now fact 100% the Rev 13:1-10 "Beast" or "Man of Sin" is here "NOW", this is not futurist miss interpreted theology, see chapter.


This video "United States of antichrist" is research done about about occult groups in America wanting to bring about the antichrist to arise in thier midst. This seems to have taken place as they have desired since 2009.


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 The Arab Spring uprising took place in 2010 onwards under Obama's watch he bombed Gaddafi's ships then killed Gaddafi he ordered the Egyptian President to step down replacing him this set the region on a course to further fulfil end times prophecy. The Arab Spring created conflict across the horn of Africa affecting nations (3 horns ripped up) identified in Daniel 11:43 under the King of the North who gains control over the wealth of a region this also began the war conflict in Syria where Damascus Is 17:1 & Jer 49:24-27 began to be destroyed another ancient prophecy being fulfilled. Then by mid-2013 Hezbollah (2000 - 4000 troops) went into Syria and then Isis into Iraq by early 2014  the prophesied 42-month war against the saints had begun Rev 13:5-7 (see chapter 35 war against the saint's). At this time acceleration of Christian martyrs began to increase in nations across the Middle East under Islamic persecution see chapter 36 Cry of the Martyrs.


The 7 Trumpet historic fulfilments as recognized by End Time Ministries

 The late Irvin Baxter (2019) founder of End Time Ministries in the USA produced and searched for answers at the end of the age he has a well-known ministry. The video in this section was produced by Irvin Baxter in 2019 as revealed to Him by the Holy Spirit this was very accurate in the historic revelations on the 7 Trumpets. This author agrees with what Irvine produced in this video. Other teachings around end-time futurist theories in prophecy he produces this author does not endorse, history will always prove the truth. 


U Tube Video Link "NEW RELEASE! The 7 Trumpets of Revelation - Happening Now? Carl Gallups":

This is another accurate video from Carl Gallops ministry in 2012 of the historic 7 Trumpets fulfilments confirmation.


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The Arab Spring of 2010 led to the 3 horns being ripped up of Daniel 7:8 a major prophecy now fulfilled by 2011. This then led into war in Syria where Damascus begins to be destroyed now coming to pass Is 17:1-3. The Syrian war then became ground zero for Hezbollah and Isis to lead us into the end times first 42-month war against the saints under the Rev 13:1-10 first beast from the sea. The Syrian war has now caused millions of refugees (6 million) to flee into neighbouring countries and nations around the world along with the UN Global immigration compact signed in 2015.


Video 1 U Tube "Here's How the Arab Spring Started and How It Affected the World | History": . The Arab Spring of 2010-2011 Three Horns ripped up under the Rev 13:1-10 beast. 


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The 2nd bowl was poured out into the world’s Pacific Ocean at 2:25 pm Friday on 11th Mach 2011. Many years later it continues to poison the oceans with invisible radiation like the blood of a dead man with no life in it the Pacific is a third of the world's ocean mass. This disaster took nearly 18’000 lives evacuating entire towns. The Pacific Ocean sea life has suffered badly from continual radiation released into it from Fukushima. There are reports of massive sea snot the rotting of dead sea life all over the Pacific ocean floor. Then you also have world pollution with massive islands of rubbish afloat in the oceans. You also have thousands of tonnes of WW1 and WW2 dumped munitions now corroding badly in the oceans releasing even more poison along with dumped barrels of nuclear waste.


The 3rd Bowl poured out Fukushima March 2011 U Tube Video 1 "The Fukushima Nuclear Accident documentary":


 The 2nd Bowl poured out was Fukushima, March 2011 U Tube Video 2 "WARNING FUKUSHIMA PACIFIC OCEAN SEAFOOD TOXIC"  (Video no longer on U Tube)


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Bowl 3 came in 2001 onwards: And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters, and they became blood. Some of the first blood-red waters began to be reported in  2001 in the same year the 9/11 Twin towers were destroyed, killing 2977 people. Blood was shed that would lead to further bloodshed and destruction. The signs of the times of more bloodshed, corruption, deception, chaos and destruction coming. There have been waters, rain, oceans, and rivers turning blood red all around the world in the last two decades in many nations, even in Antarctica. This has increased in the last few years since 2010, it even rained blood-red rain for 3 months in India, blood-red rain has also happened in Shri Lanka.


2018 U Tube Video Link "Waters Turn Blood Red In Regions World-Wide" :



Bowl 3 2001 onwards: And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters, and they became blood. This video is a sample of oceans, and rivers turning blood red all around the world in the last two decades in many nations, even in Antarctica signs of the times.

Joe 2:30-31  "And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth: Blood and fire and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, And the moon into blood, Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the LORD.   (NKJV)


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There have been 7 major heat waves in 84 years in the world from 1906 to 2000. There have been 11 major world heat waves from 2000 to 2014 in 14 years, an increase of 90% since 2000 with water shortage. There has been Ozone Hole depletion over the Antarctic allowing greater radiation directly into the Earth’s atmosphere causing an increase in skin-related cancers. Heatwaves are becoming hotter, lasting longer, and occurring more often. These are signs of the times we will see these things on Earth and in the heavens. God is warning the nations He's coming soon.


U Tube Video Link "Is climate change causing the worldwide heatwave?":

Heatwaves have been on the increase from 2000 onwards. I poured bowl 4 out a great example of this is the rise in heat waves in a July 6th 2018 alone.


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 The "war against the saints" is the first 42-month tribulation (June 2013 - Jan 2017) under the Antichrist beast of Rev 13:1-10 that takes place through the 6th Trumpet season. A war that was sparked off from the effects of the Arab Spring uprising of 2010 and the void left in 2011 when Obama withdrew USA troops from the region (troops from the 5th Trumpet fulfilment). This war is not to be confused with the final 42-month war against Israel itself. Some try to join the two together taking the seasons out of scriptural context to try to fit futurist theories. This is a major fulfilment of end-time scripture that crosses over to the book of Daniel. "Jesus is coming soon". See chapter for more understanding. 


War against the Saints U Tube Video 1 "Iraq Syria Christian persecution but there is a promise":  Within the 6th Trumpet the "war against the saints" takes place the first 42-month tribulation that began mid-June 2013 when Hezbollah sent in 2000-4000 troops into the Syrian conflict Christian martyrs began to double that year in the region then Isis formed then came into Iraq Jan 2014. These groups are now known to have been supported trained armed and funded by the USA under Obama's administration ánd his foreign policies using the CIA. From this point forward a third of men are killed in the region of the Euphrates River on into Armageddon Rev 16:16. This Syrian conflict came from the 2010 Arab Spring uprising Obama also became involved in.


Rev 13:5-7 War against the Saints Ü Tube Video 2 "Iraqi Christians Persecuted And Churches Destroyed By ISIS":  Isis destroyed churches hundreds of them or turned them into mosques setting up the abomination of desolation (Idolatry to the beast) in the Holy places of worship. They caused 2.3 million Christians to disappear (refugees) from Iraq and Syria in 42 months killing unknown numbers of them enslaving women as sex slaves killing the men. Christians were the main target of course other ethnicities were also targeted like the Kurds and Yazidis. As of 2021 only 150 thousand Christians remain in Iraq and 240 thousand in Syria an absolute genocide.


U Tube Video 3 Rev 13:5-7 War against the Saints Ü Tube Video 2 "Persecuted Christians in Syria Testimony - What it means to be a Christian for Jesus Christ GOD:


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This chapter reveals several prophecies that have come to pass in recent times around the Rev 13:1-10 beast "Öbama" proving he is the first antichrist beast of Revelation 12. See the 3 horns ripped up of Daniel 7:8 in this chapter. If only 8 prophecies were fulfilled by one individual it would be 1 in 10 to the seventeenth power. (That's 1 in 100, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000). Obama has fulfilled 28 so far.


U Tube Video 2 "Obama is Gog, says Jewish boy Natan": a 15-year-old Jewish boy died in 2015 and came back to life met with God in heaven God spoke to him about the end of days further confirmation.


U Tube Video 3 "Obama Admits he is Muslim":   In these chapters you find Islam is used by the enemy in several fulfilments of end-times antichrist agendas. God loves all people but He detests sin caused by wrong belief systems that lead to damnation He wants to see salvation He desires all to be saved.


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There have been many theories put forward through hundreds of years of history as to the identity of the biblical beast with seven heads, ten horns and  ten crowns. The ten kings prophecy of Rev 17:12-13 and Rev 13:1-10 that reign for one hour with the beast. These symbols in the Biblical narrative can only be identified as an end time’s fulfilment once the beast is identified and his prophecies begin to be historically fulfilled this has now been occurring (see chapter 32).


This video by Pasta "Brad Brandon End Times" is very accurate in its understanding it gives us a great insight into the 10 horns and 7 heads of modern times Rev 17:12-13 and Rev 13:1-10 that reign for one hour with the beast.

This U Tube video  is about the G7 the 7 heads of the Rev 13 beast and what they represent connected to "Obama" of our modern age at the time frame of the Rev 13:1-11 beast being on the world scene.

This video the "G7 power grab" lets us know how much power and influence the G7 truly has over nations and world finances through central banking to put digital money control into government hands. This means they can block any individual from buying commodities and what you are allowed to buy according to them. This is absolute control to come by the 7 heads of the beast in our generation.

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If the currently reigning Pope Francis 1 (Rev 17)  the Bishop of Rome is not the false prophet of Rev 13:11-18 end times, then who is he ? as there have been 265 Popes. Pope Francis 1 is the first known cultic Jesuit Pope (goes to perdition) to come into power in 2013 after Pope Benedict resigned the first Pope to resign in 600 years. See chapter for understanding.


U Tube Video 1"THE 7 KINGS of REVELATION 17":  The Lateran treaty was signed in 1929 with Pope Pius 11 and Mussolini the prime minister of Italy prior to WW2. This created a Papal state a country within a nation for the first time the Popes became Kings of their own country with their own military, police force, and bank. You find the 8 Kings in Rev 17: 10-11 these have now all been fulfilled Pope Francis is the 8th King of Rev 17 see PDF chapter.


U Tube Video 1"Vatican City Explained":


This a U Tube Video from June 2017 of Pope Francis a known Jesuit, an enemy of Christ (8th King Beast of Rev 17) and his message of sacrilege that we are all the children of God seeking the same God from Catholics to Allah to Buddah a complete deception (Jesus is the only true God): " Catholic Pope We are all children of God":


U Tube Video 2 "A City On Seven Hills":  History is very accurate in its fulfilments of prophecy Rev 17 is that city the Vatican built on seven hills of Rome hundreds of years after the actual prophecy this came to pass history cannot be denied.


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The "Abomination of Desolation" appears twice in both 42-month Tribulations against spiritual Israel the Saints (Rev 13:5-7) and Natural Israel (Math 24:21). It's understanding historic events that line up with prophecy that show us what these things actually are in the last days not guess work theology. The "war against the saints" is the first 42 month tribulation (June 2013 - Jan 2017) under the Antichrist beast of Rev 13:1-10 you identify the Abomination of desolation here Jesus spoke about referring to Daniels prophecy let the reader understand by history. This is a major fulfilment of end-time scripture that crosses over to the book of Daniel. "Jesus is coming soon". See chapters for more understanding.


U Tube Video "mecca clock tower":  Dan 12:11, Dan 11:31 & Math 24:15 an "Abomination that makes Desolate/Desolation" in the Greek Hebrew Concordance the root word for abomination, is HB262 "Idolatry an Idol a detestable thing an abomination" to the true God of the Bible. The root for the word desolate is H8074  "To devastate to destroy to lay waste to be destitute in wonder to stupefy" so Abomination of Desolation is "Idolatry of destruction" to be against Christ antichrist". Rev 13:15 the word beast is G2342 (dangerous animal) from G2339 (wild animal, destruction, trap) The word image (to the beast) is G1504 & G1503 (a likeness a profile, a resemblance) from G1402 the primary verb which is (to be weak to yield to give place to bow to) so image to the beast means to "bow to the resemblance of destruction" idolatry of a false God. The star and moon crescent of Islam (1.9 billion people) is such an idol now built into the largest building on earth (world's 3rd tallest), the Saudi-built Clock Tower ($1 billion) of Mecca in front of the Kaaba. Islam through Jihad steals, destroys, and kills leaving behind desolate millions.


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The actual seat where this 5th bowl is poured out is in the Middle East upon the spiritual kingdom of the antichrist upon his end of days mustered forces under the banner of hatred and deep darkness the devastation of Islam sits in a spiritual place of “Satan’s Throne” where many bow to him. The original Ottoman Empire (Turkey) in the Middle east (Islam) defeated in WW1 is where the Pergamon altar was found historically known as Satan's throne Rev 12:12=17. These are those that are antichrist killing the saints of God in the “War against the saints” under the Rev 13:1-10 beast with Islamic terrorists empowered by Obama and others. A deadly skin-eating disease along with Aids (painful sores) hit terrorist troops such as Isis, who were killing the saints (antichrist against Christ) in the Middle East region the disease was a huge outbreak in their ranks.


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The false prophet beast from the land Rev 13:11-18 of end times follows on the heels of the first Rev 13:1-10 beast from the sea. This as you will see the false prophet has been on the world scene for a while, he came to great power in 2014 to begin to fulfil his end-times role in scriptural prophecy, see chapter for historic fulfillments. You will see the false wonders he does the fire he calls down from heaven and the 150-foot high statue image to the beast with the wound that recovers, he has now set this up since June 2017 calling many to give allegiance to it see chapter.


The False Prophet consolidating his power U Tube Video 1 "CBN Middle East Bureau Chief Chris Mitchell and CBN Founder Pat Robertson on Turkey 20.11.20": 


U Tube Video 2 "Turkey Erdogan unveils monument to commemorate coup attempt victims":  The False Prophet unveils the Image to the beast (of destruction Islam that beheads the saints) with the wounded head that recovers (WW1 1st Trumpet Ottoman Empire head wound). Rev 13:14 Make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived.  (NKJV)


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The same year President Obama came onto the world scene in 2009 the Euphrates River began drying up as found in the 6th Bowl. The Euphrates River was dammed by Erdogan of Turkey (he built 22 dams along the river) this was done over a few years. These two men Obama and Erdogan are essential players in the end times as you will find out in further chapters. You know the Dragon the beast and false prophet are on the world scene with increased deception coming through unclean frog spirits sent out of their mouths to the Kings of the earth this increase in deceptive unclean spirits occurs when the Euphrates begins to dry up that's now 2009 forwards. We have seen this since Obama came to power the Covid 19 break out along with experimental vaccines and communism socialism pushed upon people worldwide.


2009 - 2023 AD Bowl 6 increased water loss levels in 2023 (The Euphrates River began to dry up through drought from 2007- 2009 plummeting by 46% over the next 2 years into 2009). This bowl poured out brought massive water level losses along the Euphrates River the same year President Obama (antichrist) came onto the world scene in 2009. The Euphrates River began drying up to prepare the way of the Kings of the East (Islamic) to come against Israel. The Euphrates River has been majorly dammed and controlled by Erdogan of Turkey (the false prophet of Rev 13 has built 22 dams along the river). These two men Obama and Erdogan are essential players in the end times as you will find out in further chapters.


U Tube Video Link Euphrates River drying up will Release the Four Angels"" :


U Tube Video Link "Euphrates River Drying Up!! To prepare for Armageddon REV 16" :


U Tube Video Link "Euphrates river water level comparison from the same spot. 2018 vs 2021 at Ramadi " :


U Tube Video Link  "Euphrates river water Level comparison in the same spot 2021 vs 2022":


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The "Mark of the Beast" has many interpretations, the biggest being an RFID chip (many are brain washed about this with no backup in scripture) yet according to historic fulfilment of end times prophecy as seen in these chapters, this is not the case (out of context to prophecy). Contrary (read rev 13:11-18 slowly) to what's being taught through theories the Rev 13:11-18 false prophet not the antichrist of Rev 13:1-10 enforces the mark under a false religion. The false prophet causes many to worship the wounded head that recovers of the Rev 13 seven-headed beast (his religion). He sets up an image to this wounded head calling many to worship his image now fulfilled (See the 150 foot high image in false prophet chapter). The false prophet enforces people to take the mark that's related to this end times beast image, even killing those under his influence that refuse to take this mark. The mark represents three things in scripture: the number of the beast, the number of and name of the beast and the number of a man. All of mankind born into the earth actually have a mark of the beast until saved in Christ it's a spiritual condition the fallen nature of the beast. This specific end times mark in the Rev 13  chapter manifests through a certain false religion that kills people especially the saints of God, the false prophet influence increases at its head (authority/leadership) over hundreds of millions (1.9 billion plus).


Video 1 the "Mark of the Beast" U Tube Video "Mark of the Beast Islamic Connection Part 1 & 2 Armageddon News":  . These videos are very accurate according to these chapters of history proving prophecy with current events unfolding. Please read Rev 13:11-18 very slowly for yourself line by line don't take it out of context this comes under the false prophet who invades Israel with an army.


Video 2 the "Mark of the Beast" U Tube Video "Islamic Antichrist Mark Of The Beast":


Video 3 the "Mark of God" U Tube Video "The Mark of God! Are you Sealed by the Holy Spirit yet? Come to Jesus today" :



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We can get an idea of how much time is left prior to Jesus's second coming return, time is very short. You just need to look at the ages of the Rev 13 False prophet then the Rev 13 beast and the Rev 17, 8th King. You can also look at the Math 24 prophecy and the year Israel was re-born as a nation in our generation when the olive branch buds. Jesus said this generation will not pass away until all these things are fulfilled from Israel's rebirth as a nation. This is not a conspiracy this is history according to prophecy now being fulfilled, signs of the times.


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As part of the signs of the times in these end days, we live in astounding things that are taking place rapidly through the powers to be. The Arch of Baal an ancient doorway to the temple of Baal the Canaanite Philistine God that Sampson destroyed was recreated in 2016. They began to place these doorways to the demonic realms in various cities and political sites around the world.


U Tube Video "1000 Temple of Baal Entrances to be Installed Around the World.":


U Tube Video "Jonathan Cahn: The Arch Of Baal In Washington D.C.":


U Tube Video "EXPOSED! "Arch of Baal" unveiled at Elite Party (R$E)":


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In November 2016 Donald J. Trump won the elections by a miracle, surprising everyone yet it had been prophesied up to 11 years beforehand by God's prophets Why? You will find the answer in this chapter he is tied into God's "favour for the saint's" Dan 7:22 at the end of the first 42 months "War against the saints" Rev 13:5-7 to bring in the Rev 14:14-16 worldwide harvest of souls. We are in the last days remember to watch.


U Tube Video 1 "Trump 2020 Prophecy - Kim Clement":   Kim Clement prophesied in 2014 about Donald Trump becoming president. This came at the end of the war against the saints the 42nd month (June 2013 - Jan 2017 Gods favour Dan 7:22 see chapter, Trump was inaugurated Jan 20th 2017. Trump has been said by prophets to be a wrecking ball a Cyrus Isaiah 45 yet he is also Daniel 7:22 God's signpost of favour to the saints under the Rev 13:5-7 beast. A new season of preparation to get ready for the Rev 14:14-16 harvest a waking up time Joel 3:9-14. Two known prophets spoke about Trump several years before he was elected Kim Clement and Mark Taylor see videos.


U Tube Video 2 "He Prophesied Trump's Election in 2011 - "Trump will Have a Second Term":  Mark Taylor prophesied about Trump in 2011 as seen on CBN news 700 Club in the USA.


U Tube Video August 10th 2021. God has not finished with Trump yet he is called to be part of the Rev 14:14-16 worldwide harvest season as stated in this chapter see recent prophecy: "PROPHECY: God's Plan for TRUMP much bigger than we could Imagine" :


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Dan 12 is an End Times chapter covering the "war against the saints" 2013 - 2017 (see chapter 35) under the Antichrist beast of 1290 days Rev 13:1-10 then moves into an extended 1335 days (1.5 months see fulfilment in the chapter) an end-times occurrence. It touches briefly over the first resurrection at His return. The book of Daniel was sealed up until the last days, that is now.


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38 years ago in 1982 after an angelic encounter with a well-known minister an angel spoke a prophecy that in the future the nations would bring about a "MARK OF THE BEAST LAW" they will think they are doing the right thing but it is the wrong thing (see chapter). The "Mark of the Beast" law is now at the forefront of the United Nations. One-third of the UN member nations are now all Islamic nations the Vatican has huge influence there as well in their policymaking along with the IMF. After the 9/11 Twin Towers attack in the USA by Muslims if that part was true (a setup?) security measures were tightened internationally with new radical laws put in place, anger towards Muslims around the world did increase. It seems every time there is an international incident with Islam freedoms are stripped from the masses, a real pattern has occurred with the UN seemingly using Islam to manipulate the masses. In August 2019 from the Christchurch Muslim massacre of 2019 a horrible event, Jacinda Adern the Prime Minister of New Zealand a socialist became determined to bring in an anti-hate speech at the UN (Facebook, U Tube, Google etc censorship).
Then Pakistan the world's 6th largest Muslim nation along with Erdogan of Turkey came on board to push this agenda. Erdogan of Turkey (False prophet of Rev 13:11-18) now leads the charge representing the OIC and Arab league representing 1.7-9 billion people. In Rev 13:11-18 the false prophet will cause many to receive a mark to bow to the beast. Anti-hate speech is part of this agenda it will cause nations to bow to Islam (beast nature) you will not be able to speak against it as a violent religion this is a spiritual condition, we do know many Muslims are peaceful yet Islam is Islam a militant religion as Erdogan states. This law will enable the powers to be to manipulate laws and situations against any person or organization/nation that stands against their agenda to be able to arrest and imprison any individual that protests or speaks out labelling it hate speech the control of the freedom to speak or act, this is a pandora's box. This has now begun to be implemented into the nations as of 2021 in Africa, Europe, Canada and New Zealand (37 nations have now implemented hate speech law). 

June 19th 2019 Launch of the UN Strategy and Plan of Action on Hate Speech:


This is a video back in 2012 in New York of NYPD police supporting Muslims on a political platform with Muslim democrat politician IIman Omar where they cry out for the UN to bring in anti-Islam blasphemy laws "Hate Speech". Then by 2019 led by Jacinda Adern of New Zealand from the Christchurch massacre of 2019 this began.

NYPD Supports Radical Islam? :


New Zealand plans stronger hate speech laws in response to Christchurch attack:

Countries are now implementing stronger controls using Islam as an example of directed hatred seen as Islamophobia which is actually Sharia blasphemy law . Nothing is ever mentioned about 200 million Christians being persecuted in 60 nations that are mainly Islamic. it's all madness and control over freedoms of speech from the 2019 UN Hate Speech legislation now implemented.


New Zealand shooting: Turkey's President wants death penalty restored over attack:

Erdogan the leader of Turkey a devout Sunni Muslim of the Muslim Brotherhood is seen as the new sultan of Islam influencing up to 1.9 billion Muslims worldwide. Erdogan responds to the Christchurch massacre with more anger and hatred in sighting threats to non-Muslims westerners this is the hypocrisy of the Hate Speech law he is championing at the UN. This shows us leaders in high positions cannot be touched under these laws only the people under their control its an agenda.


Dr David Wood : Sharia in Europe: Human Rights Court Adopts Islamic Blasphemy Laws:

You will find the UN Sharia Blasphemy laws are tied into the new Hate Speech legislation of 2019 to dissimilate and dismantle democracy and freedoms of speech "Hate Speech Law" anti- Islam-phobia empowering big tech censorship as we have already seen such as Facebook, U Tube, Google etc. This is the "Mark of the Beast Law" to cause nations to bow to the religion of Islam and the UN agenda 2030 a socialist policy. The UN is now pushing this censorship of rights to freedom of speech this is a direct attack upon the freedom to preach the gospel seen as the enemy of Islam and the UN. Be assured the Vatican loves this idea too as part of the UN remember they also persecuted true Christians for 1260 years we are in the last hour of the end times. 


Dr David Wood : Germany Enforces Sharia Blasphemy Laws :

Germany along with Scotland, Canada, Nigeria, New Zealand and 37 other nations have pushed forth "Hate Speech Law" as of 2021 this has actually become an anti-Islam blasphemy law. Germany in WW2 (see Trumpet 2 on the website) joined forces under Hitler with Imams of the Muslim Brotherhood whose forces were in the German army they overlooked the killing of Jews in concentration camps and fought on the western front in fighting the allies. In modern times Germany is banning so called "Hate Speech" to fit its agenda protecting Islamic Blasphemy laws anti-Islamophobia don't be hoodwinked by the UN agenda.


The critic of Islam is now the 'villain' in 'much of the English-speaking world': Bolt:

You will find the UN and powers to be have brought socialism and Islam together under the same umbrella agenda that suits their cause to dissimilate and dismantle democracy and freedoms of speech "Hate Speech Law" anti- Islam-phobia.



Daniel 8 expands upon Dan 2 the 3rd world Empire of Alexander the Great then into the last Empire of Dan 2 the "Roman Empire" in the last days with the appearance of the Beast of Rev 13:1-10. This chapter introduces us to an end-times prophetic timeline a new season for the Bride of Christ in the last days with a misunderstood prophecy now in its season the "2300 days cleansing of His sanctuary" this is unveiled and expanded upon in Chapter 14A & 42A.


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The Daniel 8 the 2300 days as prophesied in 538 BC is an end-time prophecy that has never been understood before a controversial prophecy. Due to this prophecy now being in season, this chapter is an expansion of information from Chapter 14. There are origins of teachings overlooked that go back to the mid-1550s that will surprise you to find out who created certain end-times theology and why that's taught worldwide today as doctrines of men. From Dec 2019, alignment came into focus (see chapter 42A) to do with Daniel's 2300 days, as you will see in this chapter.


See U Tube Video "The Truth About Dr Cyrus Scofield" :

SC Scholfield was the one behind the Schofield bible, he had a very shadowy background a shady character indeed. Schofield was connected to the Lotus club of Elites and the Rothchilds. Schofield's agent was a Rothchilds agent who wrote the tender for the setting up of the Federal Reserve of America. This Bible is what mainstream USA Bible theologians use today to teach the masses. It covers many theories even historical 1550's Jesuit teachings and John Darby Plymouth Brethren Zionism these include futurism, dispensationalism, the Rapture theory, Daniels 69 week gap theory, the third temple to be built a seven-year antichrist period etc. These teachings come from SC Scholfield's Bible a very questionable shady book of notes, do the historical research it will open your eyes. 


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The Daniel 8 2300 days from 538BC is an end-time prophecy that has never been understood before a controversial prophecy. This prophecy was out of season in past interpretations that were proven wrong. Now for the first time in 2600 years, it can be understood. This prophecy is now in its season as of Dec 2019 this is now being fulfilled historically see chapter.


34 years ago David Wilkerson in 1986   was given a prophecy of Covid 19 coming that then hit Dec 2019. David along with several other prophets words  back up what's written in this chapter. Coronavirus - Prophecy Fulfilled David Wilkerson (1986) New York: 


U Tube Video:   Recently deceased USA prophet Kim Clement prophesied June 3rd 2015 just 4 years before COVID-19 hit Dec 2019. He saw a new type of terrorism that was coming a new infiltration that would appear on our screens in the movie houses on the places of comfort and pleasure great darkness to blacken out regions to terrorize the people, to show that they (evil ones) are in charge. Yet Gods Spirit will defeat it as His power and Glory is poured out before His return.


3 years before COVID-19 hit in Dec 2019 on 9/7/2016 Robin D Bullock from the USA a known prophet prophesied about a harvest of sickness coming as an international pestilence.


U Tube Video James Goll a known prophet was shown in a dream Satan's strategy for the end of days April 26, 2020, prophecy dream, this revealed fear, pandemic and economic collapse as written about in these chapters: I Saw Satan's Manual for End Time Global Warfare!:


August 2020 PROPHECY: "The Fire is Coming" a prophecy about the body of Christ & The church:

God gave Pasta Liberty (USA) a word, ” I am cleansing my temple (sanctuary on Earth the saints) go to 2 Chron 3-36 ” (revival of righteousness). Hezekiah goes into the temple and gets rid of everything that is defiled and rubbish cleaning out the temple getting rid of idols, religious rituals, sanctifying the temple (Dan 8:14). God then told Liberty “I’m starting at the top with key leaders in the body of Christ getting rid of the things of the world dealing with hearts” God also gave her Mal 3:2-3.

Mal 3:2-3  "But who can endure the day of His coming? And who can stand when He appears ? For He is like a refiner's fire And like launderers' soap. He will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver; He will purify the sons of Levi, And purge them as gold and silver, That they may offer to the LORD An offering in righteousness. (NKJV)


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Currently, as of mid 2021 according to God's timeline and prophecy, this chapter is now where we are up to from when the harvest begins (worldwide revival) forward ""HARVEST IS NEXT"" Rev 14:14-16. Everything before this chapter on this website has been released, it has happened according to past and present history there is no confusion it's done fulfilled or being fulfilled.

 As of Dec 2019 we have now entered the preparation season for the Bride to begin to wake up with the cleansing of the sanctuary Dan 8 (2300 days) and the Eph 5:27 Bride preparation. In Joel 3:9-14 God says wake up the nations wake up the mighty men of war for multitudes are in the valley of decision put in the sickle the harvest is ripe. Get ready we are in a new season a church age Kingdom age season to prepare the way for His harvest and return "wake up" and watch the time is short.


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The ten virgins parable in Matthew 25 is more relevant for this generation than ever before an end-times passage of wisdom as spoken out by Jesus 2000 years ago, a spiritual condition that will precede His return. As Christians, we need to understand the wise virgins to make sure that's what we are. To be awake in repentance where needed walking in Him filled with His word His oil His presence.


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The ten virgins parable in Matthew 25 is a passage where oil is mentioned to be in their lamps so what does that oil mean? what does it represent for us ? as Christians to have our lamps filled with it ready for Him especially in these end times' last days.


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The two witnesses of Rev 11 come forth at the end of the Rev 14:14-16 worldwide harvest of end times to testify for the same 42 months as Israel is trampled the final 3.5 years before His return. They are empowered at the same time the Great Tribulation begins in Israel (Math 24:21, Rev 11:1-3) the final 42 month period where half of Jerusalem is taken Zech 14:2 leading to Armageddon Rev 16:16, Ez 38 & 39 final war (WW3). There is much confusion around who they are with many interpretations the Bible is clear about one of the witnesses coming in the Spirit of Elijah a man the other is only guesswork it is a mystery to be revealed, see chapter for more.


U Tube Video 1 "Two Witnesses, Prophecy Dream":  In the last days there are many false teachers and false prophets teaching doctrines of demons and men, the two witnesses come teaching God's truth for the end of days testifying of Him and His word 2 Pet 2:1-3.


  U Tube Video 2 "VISION ABOUT THE TWO WITNESSES, A MAN AND A WOMAN, April 7, 2014":  There are many theories about who the two witnesses are Enoch and Elijah, Moses and Elijah, Moses and Enoch, Old and New Testaments, Bride and the Spirit, two Hebrew men ect.  This author asked God "who are they Lord ?" God's response was "Ï am going to finish with what I began within Genesis". I will let you decide what that means and search it out. The book of Zecharia and Malachi tells us one is a man coming in the spirit of Elijah it's not Elijah himself the other witness is a mystery to be seen in time.


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This is a time in scripture of great tribulation of fear and trembling a time of distress for Israel and the world. This comes to the forefront in a short time frame after the Rev 13:1-10 “Man of sin “beast has been on the scene, this beast sets up the platform for “Jacobs trouble” to begin (chaos and conflict) the term “Jacob’s trouble” is found in Jeremiah 30:7-11: Alas! For that day is great, So that none is like it; And it is the time of Jacob's trouble, But he shall be saved out of it. (NKJV)


U Tube Video "Living in the Time of Jacob's Trouble?" :   Jacobs trouble is a time that comes upon the whole world it is concentrated around Israel a burdensome stone to lift indeed. This is the last 3.5 years of Rev 11:1-3 the two witnesses it's the Ez 38 and 39 war, Zech 14:2 invasion of Israel where they are saved out of it at His second coming return.

Zech 12:3  And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered against it.  (NKJV)


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Button 1: The Ezekiel 38 and 39 chapters are tied into the Rev 11:1-3 trampling of Jerusalem, Zech 14:2 invasion of Jerusalem the final war against Israel the last 42 months of tribulation referred to as the Great Tribulation of Math 124:21 against Israel. This final confrontation with Israel heralds the return of Jesus Christ at the peak of Armageddon Rev 16:16 as the two witnesses are raised from the dead Rev 11. By this time Jesus is not coming soon any longer He's here after 2000 years of waiting.

Botton 2: "PDF" Is a near-death experience in 2016 that happened to a 15-year-old boy in Israel "Nathan" who died and came back to life he speaks with Rabbis about his experience before God. God shows Natan who Gog of Magog is going to be (who is friends with Erdogan of Turkey both are Muslim):  "It's going to be something that is called a very big war. And everybody, the whole world, will be involved in that war, according to what I understood. The whole world will be involved in that war, everybody. All the Goyim (that means us, the Gentiles). All the Arabs, the Muslims. Everybody will come against the nation of Israel and will fight in that war"…….  He (Obama) doesn't fight. You know, he's left Christians to get persecuted all this time, and has not engaged ISIS, all this time - until RUSSIA finally got their plane shot down on the Sinai Peninsula and they came in. And now, because it's a balance of power thing, and ego thing - he's had to step in. But he's totally allowed the slaughter of Christians. And allowed the growth of radical Islam……

                                                         JESUS IS COMING SOON

Erdogan the Rev 13:11-18 false prophet and president of Turkey after the Oct 7th 2023 Hamas Gaza attack, killing over 1600 Israelis in cold blood said "we" meaning Islam "OIC" may "knock on your door one night" meaning an invasion of Israel. See YouTube video - Erdogan_ “We may suddenly knock on your door one night” Oct 31 2023:


Erdogan in 2018 spoke about a plan for Islamic armies to invade Israel in the near future. It doesn't get any clearer than this from end times prophecy in Ezekiel 38 & 39 as spoken over 2500 years ago see YouTube video: BBC News World War 3 Turkey's Erdogan calls for 'ARMY of Islam' to ATTACK Israel :


See Youtube video: World War 3 Turkey's Erdogan calls for 'ARMY of Islam' to ATTACK Israel on all sides - DAILY NEWS


Abbas of Palestine and Hamas is friends with Erdogan of Turkey and Iran also calling for a million-strong army of Islam to invade Israel in the days ahead see Youtube video: "August 10 2019 President Mahmoud Abbas at Jalazone Refugee Camp We Will Enter Jerusalem as Millions of Fighters":


The Ezekiel 38 and 39 interview in Israel U Tube Video "Ezekiel 38 War: Nations mentioned in the Bible":


Turkey has the 2nd largest military in NATO and the 8th largest military in the world headed up by the Rev 13:11-18 false prophet Erdogan who desires to invade Israel see the Youtube video  "Turkey Armed Forces [Military Power]":


The beliefs of Islam (2.14 billion as of 2021) for the end times the seed has been planted for over 1400 years for the Ezekiel 38 and 39 sixth bowl war to come against Israel see U Tube Video "Chr-Islam †☪ - One World Religion - Jesus of Islam VS. Jesus of the Bible":


2021-06-02 21_26_27-Microsoft PowerPoint

The fall of Babylon happens just prior to Jesus return the fall of the world's systems through judgment comes upon the wicked how long in between these events no one really knows. Rev 18:23 the rich merchants of the earth deceive the nations with their sorcery (Pharmacia in Hebrew and Greek this is also under Seal 1 white horse conqueror drugs vaccines, man made viruses etc). The fall of Babylon comes quickly it takes everyone by surprise the rich merchants and traders all standoff weeping over their fallen city to trade no more the end has come. This system is destroyed then Jesus sets up His government for the millennial reign of Christ for 1000 years on Earth.


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As in the "Days of Noah" so it shall be one shall remain in the field and one shall be taken this is at the end times return of Jesus Christ. He comes and separates the chaff from the wheat the angels are loosed to bring in His Bride unto Himself the wicked are destroyed.

Mat 24:38  For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left.  Watch, therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming.  (NKJV) 

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A Cosmic disturbance comes at Jesus second coming return with the 7th Trumpet, 7th Bowl, 6th and 7th seal He destroys the wicked on Earth He imprisons the wicked heavenly host of fallen angels and demons Is 24:21-23. Satan is cast into the pit for 1000 years, the beast and false prophet are destroyed and cast into the lake of fire Rev 20. The first resurrection of the dead is completed then those who are alive are caught up to Him in the air. This is a very exciting time of transformational change for everything on the Earth at His return see the chapter for more details.


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The dreadful Day of the Lord is also His 7th Trumpet wrath this comes once all is fulfilled in the end times prophecy up to Satan being cast into the pit. A time of favour comes to the saints first through His Glory worldwide this comes after the war against the saints of 42 months is completed that finished January 2017. The Glory of God is soon to be out-poured afresh in our day God's favour Dan 7:22. This raises God's Joel 2 end-time army to be seen in all the Earth for the worldwide Rev 14:14-16 harvest. At the end of this season, the “Great and Awesome Day of the Lord” comes with signs and wonders in the heavens. His wrath comes at the end of the two witnesses' testimony at the end of the battle of “Armageddon” in the last hour of Rev 11. This then takes us into the millennial reign of Christ on Earth for 1000 years.


U Tube Video "The Stage Is Set For The Second Coming | Are You Ready? - Biblical Signs" :


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In the 1000 year millennial reign of Christ, the restoration and regeneration of all things begin on Earth. This is the rest day of God for Adam for 1000 years with no Satan or fallen angels, demons or curse of the fall influencing men, a time of great prosperity, peace, and love under Christ's government. God gives man the chance to truly become who He created them to be during this time without Satan onboard a restoration of all things as in Eden before the fall. It's the sense of no eye has seen nor ear heard what God has install for those who love Him it will be a time of wonder, see chapter for more.


 Video song by Rick Pino - You restore everything:



This is another fresh revelation video by Timothy Alberino on 20.8.22 about the restoration of man, back to the state as  Adam was, in the coming resurrection of the Lord at His return. There is salvation then reconciliation/sanctification then restoration in fullness physically, for the alive saints at His return, a lost message.


 This is a great little video basic explanation on the "Restoration of all things" coming at Christ's return for His 1000-year reign on Earth.

U Tube Video "Beyond Today -- Christ’s Thousand-Year Reign on Earth":   A full restoration of God's Kingdom on Earth from the fall in Eden comes in the Millennial reign of Christ for 1000 years even Just as Jesus taught us to pray in Math 6:10-15 "Thy Kingdom come". You have the false 150-year-old Rapture theory that robs people of the truth about what's coming for the body of Christ on Earth with Christ in the millennial reign of 1000 years. There is a catching up translation which is a rapture but not as it's taught in the Rapture Futurist Theory.


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There is one last war between Gog /Satan and his forces and God at the end of the millennial reign of 1000 years of Christ on earth then the final Great White Throne judgment comes.


Superbook - Revelation: The Final Battle! - Season 1 Episode 13 - Full Episode (HD Version) :


U Tube Video "Day of Judgement (Amazing True Vision) Must Watch!" :  The Great White Throne Judgement comes after the defeat of Gog (pictured here as Satan released from the pit) in the final war at the end of the 1000 years millennial reign of Christ on earth where all who ever lived are called up for the final judgement, even men will sit on thrones with Christ and judge angels in that day. All human beings ever born will be held accountable for their lives and actions before God individually judged for their sins not one will escape not the rich, not the elites only those who truly repent and receive Christ as Lord.


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